Tuesday, July 31, 2012

DSDN142 - Adaptable Form - Experement Set Two

Below are a few contact sheets of my new form being manipulated though my processing application, some of the images maybe duplicates, as I had coded my application to save per-frame when edited. I shall change this in the future for when working out my final 25 images.

DSDN142 - Adaptable Form - New Form.

I ended up changing my "Form" for this project, as I soon discovered, I'm not the greatest with right angled triangles and trigonometry and that a simpler shape was easier to manipulate with less variables rather than many.

Friday, July 27, 2012

DSDN142 - Adaptable Form - Experiment set one.

First couple of experiments, mainly focusing on x/y axis of the form. Next set of forms I create, will focus on breaking lines and points apart.

Also, .giff image below of transformation, just cause'

Click it? ;')

Thursday, July 19, 2012

DSDN142 - Adaptable Form - Project 1 - Inspirational

A few "Sketches" I had found interesting on Open Processing.


What I like about this sketch is how basic shapes consisting of triangle, rectangle and line are being pulled and manipulated to create a new form of abstraction. Every time a new pattern is generated its always consistent in change, being either repetition, speed, axis, rotation, layering, etc. So of what we need to understand for the upcoming project. reduced size from original, as it took entire blog up

Triangulation, lib

What i like about this sketch is how the developer has created such a simple repetitive, yet slightly complex pattern. The way pixels are consistently joined by fine line to create different arrays of triangular form.


I found this interesting, although not entirely related to the forms we're focusing on creating, however, I did enjoy the organic shapes and movement that the curtain mesh creates while dragged with the mouse, I found this interesting as since the application had a gravity on/off option, movements and form were never the same when the curtain was pulled. "r - reset, g - gravity