Wednesday, August 22, 2012

DSDN142 - Structure & Noise + Random function. ;')

So far, i've consensed and cleaned my code up and added propper veriables rather than building script in straight canvas, from here it gave me easability to edit veriables and come up with more outcomes using while/if loops and random() function, I have  coded my method to work with either "While" or "If" changing these create different effects and outcome for the entire pattern. I have also added a few new veriables, relating to distance between my shapes, which helps breaking them up to create a sense of noise.

Below is a few images that I've came up with my new code, keeping in mind, that I've gone back to a more minimalistic approach, that focuses on just using rectangles and rotation, rather line and pivit points along x/y axies like my previous minimalist approach. I still need to experiment with more color but for now, I like the set that I'm currently using, I'll leave color till last, as I want to see how furthur I can push my code.

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