Monday, October 15, 2012

DSDN142 - Current Development, Current Situatoin

Stepping away from this, I figured consistantly clicking  left and right mouse buttons wernt much of an interaction, therefor I've looked into using the AudioInput function of Minim, so the sketch is controlled with use of voice pitch collected by a mic then is convereted into AudioData by Logging Sound and Frequency Averages, this allows movement within the sketch.

The idea shown below is using logged averages to control the balance and movement of the ship along the y/x axies within the application.

Below are my first three attempts at attaching logged Audio data on to a vector shape, still figuring out how to convert between PVectors and float arrays.


Although gives off somewhat a nice effect, the randomly generated lines from audio can't keep up with consistently moving and or rotating objects, well for the effect I want to try achieve at least, although I do feel as if I'm heading in the right direction. In terms of interaction, the current controller is all by verbal means, louder you are larger the stream line/faster the ship moves though out the sketch, quieter you are or if your voice raises then lowers, speed depresses and increases according.

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