Sunday, September 23, 2012

DSDN142 - Spore Cloud, create the universe.

A rough sketched down idea I had while in class, below I have done a simple digitized version in Photoshop using auto-shapes for easy readability.

The jest of it.
Originally, I wanted to create some sort of  destructible solar-system out of the built-in particle engine that existed within processing, however I let this idea slide, although the destruction of a solar system at your cursor-tips would be great, I feared the code would throw me too far into the deep-end of the particle coding pool. Therefor, I adapted and am trying to settle for this more basic idea.

This idea is the general use of particles, but in a smaller scale, left-mouse creates such and such at mouse-x, mouse-y, etc. I want to create a "living-system" in sense, I guess, an atom, an electron, a civilization for spores? Or other things that would live inside a cloud that's beauty is invisible to the human eye.

Planning, in the most basic of forms: I plan to on-click an ellipse is created, orbiting on the edges of this ellipse would be two other shapes, possibly created from lines or an imported image(still deciding) from here the left-mouse action would keep creating these mini-Eco systems, with these two living spores, once other ellipses are chained or near one another, the spores will wonder along on their own as you user, "you" are creating their environment. A right-click function, would attract these beings, various configurations of grouping  different numbers, different colors or spores would shine different colors and essentially light up background layers, etc.

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